Read About Our Case Results
The dedicated attorneys at Hunt & Taylor Law Group, LLC have achieved numerous impressive settlements for clients.
Litigation Case Results
Lead counsel for small business fiber installation company in breach of contract claims against fortune 50 company for amounts owed for work performed on a major construction project in Atlanta. Confidential multi-million dollar settlement.
Represented a small business owner in setting aside a default judgment in the amount of $80,000 that had been obtained against his company. The claim was subsequently dismissed and the company avoided any liability on the claim.
Represented a law enforcement officer against claims asserted by lender which were not owed by the client. Case concluded in a settlement that included recovery of attorneys fees.
Successfully defended a client in a lawsuit claiming fraud and conversion. Client was awarded attorneys fees.
Recovered substantial settlement on behalf of client whose close relative was killed in an automobile collision.
Represented parents of young man in a products liability case against an automobile manufacturer for automobile collision that resulted in his death. Confidential settlement.
Represented developers in defense of claims under the Clean Water Act for discharge of storm water from residential subdivision development, which led to the recognition of a good faith exception to claims arising under the Act.
Represented small construction company in breach of contract claims in the State of Arkansas. Full recovery plus attorneys fees.
Represented homeowners in claims against builder resulting in punitive damages verdict.
Represented property owner in condemnation action resulting in $250,000 jury verdict in favor of client.
Real Estate Litigation
Represented clients in quiet title action whose property had been wrongfully sold at a tax sale. We were able to void the tax sale and recover our clients’ title to their property.
Successfully unraveled clients’ ownership in a farm in south Georgia through a partitioning action involving numerous estates and close to one hundred heirs who held an interest in the property.
Represented client in claims against the seller of a residence for breach of contract, fraud and conversion. Client was awarded damages plus attorneys fees.
Represented numerous clients in quiet title actions to clear title to their respective properties.
Successfully defended residential real estate construction company in confirmation action filed by lender following foreclosure of lots held for future construction of single family homes. Confirmation was denied and the company was found not liable to the lender for the deficiency.
Probate Case Results
Represented heirs of an estate in removing the executor and recovering assets of the estate. Clients also recovered attorneys fees.
Represented an heir of estate in removing executor and discovered fraudulent investment scheme carried on by the executor against hundreds of innocent investors. The case led to the arrest and conviction of the executor under federal criminal securities laws.
Represented hundreds of clients in probating estates of loved ones.
Schedule A Free Consultation
Call our office in Gainesville at 770-999-0272 to request an appointment or email us. We offer a free consultation and a depth of knowledge to help with your legal issues.